i loved seeing all the pictures of yous at Sea World i'm glad yous had fun and saw some creatures for me. keep doing fun things and sedingme pictures!!
Well this week has been so crazy i don't even know where to start. I can't believe my first transfer is at it's end! i went by so fast and we accomplished so much! i'm excited to continue the work and i' m just getting started. I had such a great start to my mission and i know that New Zealand is where i am supposed to be.
Our lovely Fijian/Indian Barbara was baptized on Saturday and it was such an amazing experience. The amount of faith that she has is incredible. She has had such a hard life and has been through so much and yet she continues to rely on The Lord. I have learned so much from her. A couple days before her baptism we taught her about temples. We brought Sister Pasikala with us and she shared the blessings that she has received from attending the temple. She also told Barbara that because of her choice to be baptized she can be with her husband again and be sealed to him for eternity. as she said that Barbara broke into tears and told us that all she wants is to be with her husband again. She knows this is the true church and she wants to do everything she can to go to the temple. We are so lucky that Heavenly Father has given us temples to not just help ourselves progress but to help others who are waiting in the Spirit World. I know that the temple is the house of the Lord and that the work that we can do for others will help generations. She's a special lady and i am so blessed to have been able to help her come closer to Christ. and her family as well.
So, the moment i have been waiting to tell yous since Tuesday morning. After exercise Sister Clarke and I were walking back to the flat and we were in the grass that has HEAPS of hidden hole because it's really uneven and i stepped in one and my left ankle rolled under itself and i felt a crack. we had to go to the hospital and get x-rays and i ended up fracturing my left ankle. I'm in a moon boot, who we cal moony, and i'm just limping around everywhere. it needs to stay for 4-6 weeks so she's going to be my other companion for this next transfer. Don't worry about me i'm completely fine, Sister Clarke is taking good care of me and it's really not that bad. moony is a really good conversation starter and she gives our lessons character. Heavenly Father just needed a good laugh so he's watching me limp around the area with moony stapped to my leg.
MY FIRST PACKAGE AND I AM SO HAPPY!! So much candy!! (or lollies as they would say here) The Milano's made me cry, and also the ranch. so amazing! thank you mom and dad so much!! We really enjoyed taste testing most of the lollies that Sister Clarke had never had before. The peanut butter is amazing and the giant bottle of advil came right on time as well, because the prescriptions that they gave me just makes me feel yuck and the advil works better anyway. OH! so funny, as i was pulling out all the lollies i found some of mom's hair!! it was so funny and we had to take a picture. sister clarke said, "so that's where you get your shedding from" because my hair is constantly everywhere all the time hahahahaha and i found like three other strands after that too. oh mom too funny. it was a perfect package thank you thank you thank you! :)
The last thing i wanted to share with you is a quote from Henry B. Eyering which says: "If Faith is not embedded in your hearts, the power to endure will crumble." Because of moony i have had to have heaps more Faith that this is part of the plan that Heavenly Father has for me and if i lose Faith i will not be able to endure and keep the work progressing. This is a lesson that can be learned during any time in our lives. that as long as we have Faith we can endure. once we lose that Faith the power to endure leaves with it. i'm so glad i have a Savior Jesus Christ who has felt everything i have felt so that i can turn to him whenever i need it. even if it is for a fractured ankle. He keeps me strong and keeps me positive. i love my Savior and my Heavenly Father and i love love all of yous. thank you for the support and prayers. i can feel the love all of yous have for me and it keeps me going.
have fun and be safe!!
Kia Kaha
Sister Judd
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