My week has been amazing! it started out with us going to the Doctor's because i've had a cold for ages and it wasn't going away and we came to find out that i have bronchitis AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT. but it's all goods i'm on medicine and Heavenly
Father is looking after me. by the way i have been waiting ALL week to tell yous just so i could tell the bronchitis joke that really only the boys and maybe jess will understand. hahaha boys go show the video to mom and dad. "i went out to get me a cold pop"
oh good times.
ANYWAY! we have an investigator Erina who is so excited to be learning from us. we are actually teaching her sister as well who lives down the street but they weren't getting along so we had to withhold the information from erina that we knew her sister
so that we could continue to teach her but yesterday we went to go visit her and who do we find in her house? HER SISTER STEVEE THAT WE ALSO TEACH! We were so excited!!!!! We know that Heavenly Father's hand has been in their lives and now that they're getting
along the teaching is moving along as well! it was such a miracle to see both of them in the same home and getting along. i love the way Heavenly Father works.
Something funny that happened today was escorting a drunk lady to another drunk lady's house. we met her on the street and we made sure she was staying safe hahaha. as we were walking back from her drunk friend's house she told us that we were angels sent
from heaven and that she was glad she decided not to drive while drinking. me too random lady, me too. :)
Speaking of driving GUESS WHO'S DRIVING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD? Sister Judd is that's who!! i got certified by the church to drive a couple days ago! it was so fun and i feel so accomplished because i had to learn how to back into a parking space
and also how to parallel park. i kept thinking "dad would be SO proud of me right now!" so now i'm driving everywhere and i love it! it's so weird being on the other side of the car like the gear shift is on the left and the blinkers and windshield wiper thingys
are on opposite sides. so getting used to that was fun, you should have seen me the first couple times the windshield wipers were going off like crazy every time i went to indicate. it's so much fun.
i hope yous had a wonderful Sabbath day and i can't wait to skype soon!!!
Kia Kaha
Sister Judd
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